Indonesian Cloud Hosting
For Success Your Website!

Qwords offers Cloud Hosting Services, Fast Access, High Security Standards, 99.99% Server Uptime, Complete Features and 24-hour Customer Support to meet your website needs.
Tersertifikasi ISO 27001 dengan Data Center Tier 3 dan Network Tier 1

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Rp 175.000

Rp 160.000


Rp 250.000

Rp 225.000


Rp 247.000

Rp 206.000

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View Our Other Services

Optimize the performance of your business website with a variety of quality services from Qwords



Make your website more trusted and liked by searchers engine using SSL Certificate.

Starting from

Rp. 112.000 / year


Dedicated Server

Enjoy managing your own Dedicated Server with remote access from the whole world without borders

Starting from

Rp. 499.000 / month


Colocation Server

Fast access from all over the world with full 24x7 facilities monitoring with the best cooling system and fire extinguisher

Starting from

Rp. 500.000 / month

Qwords Commitment

There are various reasons why customers choose to rent hosting on Qwords

Layanan pelanggan hosting dan domain 24/7

24/7 service

The Qwords Technical Support and Customer Service Teams are ready to help you 24 hours, 7 days with a fast response time. You can contact via Live chat, Call Center, Email and Support Ticket.

panduan manual lengkap untuk pelanggan hosting dan domain

Complete Manual Guide

Qwords is equipped with a knowledge base page containing tutorials and tips about website management and hosting. It can be accessed easily and is a solution

paket hosting Indonesia dengan up time 99.99%

Uptime 99.99%

Server Uptime above 99.99% minimal downtime with proper server configuration. Supported by network management and multiple upstream tier 1 provider networks and multiple peering so the server is more stable.

layanan hosting Indonesia dengan jaminan keamanan data

Security Guarantee

Security is our main focus at Qwords. Standard & continuous security monitoring, software updates and prevention measures have been our main concern.

Clustered DNS

Clustered DNS

The Qwords Cloud Hosting DNS Server is connected to one another. This makes the DNS Server will always be accessible because of each other back up between servers.

High						Enterprise Server

High Enterprise Server

Qwords uses the standard Dual Xeon Octa Core enterprise class server which is the best class hardware. This hardware is commonly used by leading companies.

Tier 1						Network

Tier 1 Network

Tier 1 Network is a world network without a transit network, which making the network faster as well as shorter routing paths and availability of network backups.

Peering						Network

Peering Network

The network in Qwords is connected directly to public peering like OpenIXP and CDIX which create latency or waiting time for delivery the data is getting smaller.

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Make a dream website including the best Indonesian hosting package for only 1 million Professional website creation services for Companies, Businesses & SMEs. Easily create a dream website here, elegant website design and easy to manage

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Trusted by 45,000+ Active Customers

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And many others

Our Partners


30 Days Guarantee Money Back

To maintain customer satisfaction, we provide a money guarantee returns valid up to 30 days after active hosting.

What are they saying?

What do those who have used Indonesian web hosting services from Qwords say? Check out the experiences of those who have proven themselves the features of our service.

Hopefully Qwords can continue to survive, so that we and the Indonesian people can get the best service from Qwords.

We, ID Cert, are a company engaged in providing security information services in Indonesia. By because of that, we need Qwords to support our needs for servers and hosting that are always up for 24 hours.

Budi Raharjo
Founder ID Cert
The Qwords service is very fast and responsive, so it doesn't take long for our website to return to normal. The best anyway, mah!

As a media provider of news about the city of Bandung, Info BDG uses the website as a home for information. Our website that was down now showing high traffic after using support from Qwords.

Kuns Kurniawan
PR Event Info BDG
Until now, we have never encountered any significant problems from the services provided by Qwords. Customer Service Very good service, we don't want to move from Qwords.

90% of Rumah Kopi Temanggung sales are done online, one of which is using a website. Since 2015 up to Currently, we are using hosting and domains from Qwords.

Denden Sofiudin
Owner Rumah Kopi temanggung

Covered by

Choose an automatic e-payment method. Domain Services, Hosting, live VPS active without the need for payment confirmation.

Questions about Web Hosting Service Qwords

Hosting adalah tempat penyimpanan file dan data website seperti teks, video dan gambar website. File dan data tersebut di simpan di dalam server yang terkoneksi dengan internet sehingga data tersebut dapat diakses oleh siapa saja, kapan saja dan di mana saja.

Penjelasan lebih lanjut dapat Anda baca pada artikel ini.

Untuk mendukung kesuksesan bisnis di era digital, Qwords menghadirkan beragam paket hosting Indonesia yang bisa dipilih sesuai kebutuhan.

1. Cloud Hosting Lite

Layanan cloud hosting berbasis panel DirectAdmin dengan performa tinggi, kapasitas penyimpanan besar, gratis domain, dan berbagai kelengkapan fitur lain hanya Rp3.000-an/GB.

2. Cloud Hosting Pro

Layanan cloud hosting berbasis cPanel dengan berbagai fitur dev-friendly dan cocok untuk bisnis profesional. Dilengkapi dengan fitur Boost Power untuk meningkatkan performa website hingga 200% saat dibutuhkan.

3. Cloud Hosting Enterprise

Layanan cloud hosting dengan resource CPU, RAM, & storage khusus satu pengguna dan tidak terbagi dengan pengguna lain. Performa website tetap stabil walaupun saat traffic tinggi.

4. Cloud Hosting WP

Layanan cloud hosting khusus WordPress menggunakan cPanel. Membangun website jadi lebih cepat dengan template premium melalui Elementor Pro gratis. Dilengkapi dengan gratis add-on sistem layanan payment gateway yang terintegrasi.

5. Unlimited Hosting

Layanan cloud hosting dengan resource tak terbatas. Spesifikasi penyimpanan, bandwidth, email, subdomain, dan database tidak dibatasi penggunaannya atau unlimited.

6. Flex WP

Layanan cloud hosting berbasis WordPress dengan menggunakan container. Anda bebas add-on CPU dan RAM sesuai kebutuhan. Rancangan kontainerisasi dan automasi Kubernetes memungkinkan website selalu terhindar dari gangguan di level server.

Cloud hosting Qwords sudah dipercaya oleh 60.000+ pelanggan hosting dan 100.000+ pelanggan domain dari dalam dan luar negeri. Anda akan mendapatkan jaminan kualitas dan keamanan, uptime 99.99%, dukungan teknis selama 24 jam setiap hari, dan berbagai pilihan cloud hosting dengan fitur lengkap yang bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan.

Without web hosting, you cannot create a company profile website, news portal, personal blog, online shop website, or other types of websites that can be accessed online.

Web hosting service providers like help ensure your website data and files remain safe and responsive when accessed by users online.

Anda bisa membeli cloud hosting di Qwords dengan cara pilih paket cloud hosting yang terdapat di menu bar paling atas. Panduan cara membeli hosting di Qwords juga bisa Anda lihat di sini. Transaksi juga makin mudah dengan berbagai metode pembayaran yang tersedia.

Bisa. Caranya juga mudah. Anda tinggal melakukan pemesanan paket cloud hosting yang diinginkan dan klik “Ya” pada pilihan “Migrasi Hosting ke Qwords” di halaman portal order. Untuk detail panduan migrasi hosting ke Qwords, Anda bisa melihatnya di sini.